Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Denise Lasalle "Love Me Right", Denise Lasalle "Right Place Right Time"


1.Don't Jump My Pony [4:26]7.2 Mb
2.Long Dong Silver [4:22]7.1 Mb
3.You Can't Get Nothin Straight Between us [3:29]5.7 Mb
4.Love Me Right [3:48]6.2 Mb
5.When were Making Love [3:32]5.7 Mb
6.I'm not that Kind of Girl [3:13]5.2 Mb
7.Too Many Hungry Mouths Around the Table [3:52]6.2 Mb
8.One More Wrong Step [4:02]6.6 Mb
9.Fast Hands and A dirty Mind [4:45]7.7 Mb
10.Another One Bites the Dust [4:01]6.5 Mb
11.Don't Pick it Up [5:50]9.5 Mb

Denise Lasalle "Love Me Right" Album Review

Thank heavens for Malaco because the soul is still alive!
With R&B music becoming so image-conscious & profit-driven nowadays, it's easy to forget when it was all about the soul & the emotion was what carried the song. But for fans like me who like the "more real" soul music than today's unreasonable facsimile, Malaco Records is nothing less than a godsend. Time has not only stood still for them it seems, but it's also proven to be a home for those soul stars who've found themselves passed on by the major labels in favor of younger, more photogenic artists. One of those unknown legends is Denise LaSalle.<p>People may know her best from her 1971 #1 R&B hit "Trapped By A Thing Called Love". In a rare feat at the time, Denise managed to write her hit single as well as sing it & this was still at a time when most R&B singers didn't have such freedom yet. While the song may have been her biggest commercial success, Denise wasn't content to fade into obscurity, for she kept on working & recording quality soul music even as it saw less & less success in terms of sales. But when she joined Malaco Records in 1984, she discovered not only could she continue making the music she wanted to make, but also make some of the best music of her entire career. One of the highlights of Denise's Malaco period is her 1992 album LOVE ME RIGHT.<p>I'm not stretching the truth when I say that is one of the most upbeat & smile-inducing pieces of music you will ever listen to (even the rather half-hearted cover of Queen's "Another One Bites The Dust" is still quite infectious). Whether or not she's rocking the bedroom or looking for true love, Denise wants to keep the music as light & fun as possible & LOVE ME RIGHT more than demonstrates that. Songs like "Don't Jump My Pony", "Long Dong Silver" & "You Can't Get Nothin' Straight Between Us" show Denise can be as up-front & no-holds-barred as they come. Yet just when you think she's said a little too much, the rhythm has already gotten to you & all that matters is you dancing up a storm. If you think today's more modern R&B is too suggestive, wait until you hear songs like these.<p>But some action in the boudoir isn't all on Denise's mind. She wants a steady love just like all of us & this is proven with the title track, "When We're Making Love", "I'm Not That Kind Of Girl" & "Fast Hands & A Dirty Mind" (actually reflected on the man & not the singer). They go to show that even if you have a raging libido, there's still room for a heart of gold. <p>At the same time, Denise can tell it like it is with respect to life & not just love. "Too Many Hungry Mouths Around The Table" has her telling a man if he can't provide for the family, don't come knocking down her door. An important message for all of us men to take to heart. "One More Wrong Step" reminds us to watch ourselves in whatever we do & that if we don't learn from our mistakes, they'll repeat themselves. "Don't Pick It Up" tells us to finish what we start & not engage in anything we can't handle. Who wouldn't take valuable lessons like these from a wise woman like Denise?<p>To the uninitated, LOVE ME RIGHT (or almost any Malaco album) will sound too old-fashioned & just not with it. But punchy horn charts & sweeping strings are fast becoming a rarity in today's R&B music, as are full-bodied, powerful vocalists like Denise LaSalle. A lot of today's R&B "stars" were born almost after this kind of soul's golden age had passed & they probably have no idea how it once was. This was my first Denise album & as a fan of more organic soul, it was a relief to hear someone who doesn't sing about how much money they have or how fly they are. Singers & personalities like Denise don't exactly come a dime a dozen, so for a chance to hear a kind of music that's becoming too much the exception instead of the rule, LOVE ME RIGHT will certainly do you right.


Denise Lasalle - Right Place Right Time
Year: 1984

1.Right Place Right Time [4:16]6.9 Mb
2.Hes not Available [3:26]5.6 Mb
3.Treat Your Man Like A Baby [4:10]6.6 Mb
4.Good Man Gone Bad [4:04]6.6 Mb
5.Boogie Man [3:00]4.8 Mb
6.Your Husband is Cheating on us [4:38]7.5 Mb
7.Why Does it Feel So Right [3:40]5.9 Mb
8.Keep Your Pants on [3:45]6.1 Mb
9.Bump and Grind [3:40]5.9 Mb
10.Love School [3:27]5.6 Mb

Denise Lasalle "Right Place Right Time" Album Review

Insightful and Impressive
Rarely have I heard an album this great. She is vocal personality that is beyond the usual! I love every single song on this CD. Every song has something people can relate to. I recommend this CD to anyone who enjoys music with soul and substance.

Video Denise Lasalle & Latimore - Right Place, Right Time

Very Nice Soul Duet

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